Thursday, 16 August 2018

Q.1.2 Organisations such as Facebook, Airbnb and Uber have harnessed social capital to grow their market shares and become major disruptive forces in their industries. Define and explain how a digital citizen can build and enhance social capital.

Q.1.2 Organisations such as Facebook, Airbnb and Uber have harnessed social capital to 
grow their market shares and become major disruptive forces in their industries. 
Define and explain how a digital citizen can build and enhance social capital. 

According to mutual gain, 2018, ''citizen- we must follow a set of rules when we online to ensure that the technology is being used appropriately and responsibly by us the users. A digital citizen is the person who follows these rules and is regularly on the internet or electronic devices

Social capital- an economic idea that refers to the connections between individuals and entities that can be economically valuable

A digital citizen can build social capital by going on different social media sites and joining groups on these sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter and instagram. 

These social media groups will allow you to exchange ideas, share your own views and plan to work together with people who have similar interests or careers as you. This will keep you connected and liked with different organisations and people who could result in helping you find a job or getting your name out on the internet to other organisations.

By being an active digital citizen one can be useful in helping to market organisations like airbnb and uber, besides marketing pr promoting other organisations, digital citizen can also market their business. If the business needs to get the massage around they should get it through digital citizens, in that way their message gets delivered by many people and carry the message that needs to be carried out''.

Source : Uknown, (2015), Social Capital [ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed7august2018].


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